

Cole Haan Air Colton Saddle

This is what Spring is about, folks.

True beauty lies in the details.


Katharine Ross

I just watched "The Graduate" recently and couldn't stop thinking about what a special look Katharine Ross had.  Something about her looks so...sweet.  Almost chaste.

And it's not just her.  If you watch a movie from the era, there were a lot of girls with that indescribable saccharin look.  I feel like you don't see that anymore.

Sean Connery

Classic Swag.


Timberland Earthkeepers City Boot

As a rule, I typically try to avoid Timberland boots entirely because, growing up in the inner city, I've had my fill, but these are kinda fresh.

via Urban Outfitters


Blogger Will Oliver of We All Want Someone To Shout For wrote this really short essay that picks at a thought that I as both a music lover and psuedo-blogger have been toying with for a while: when is too much music too much?  It's kind of an oddly disturbing thought to me.  At exactly what point is too much enough, especially when it's something you love?  And how much longer can we keep going before we hit that point?  Check it out.

Read here.

And for good measure, take this upbeat music video.  It'll make me feel better.

The New Pornographers: Crash Years from Rockonlelkek Staff on Vimeo.

New Childish Gambino EP

It's here and it's dope.  Stream all of Childish Gambino's new EP below.

Childish Gambino- Freaks and Geeks EP by blastyourmusic

I'm sorry, Drake who?

Download here.


Cults - "Go Outside" (MTV Supervideo Version)

In an attempt to end over-told jokes about there no longer being a need for the M in MTV, they've created Supervideos.  SVs take songs by, at least so far, artists that MTV doesn't play and hires actors and directors to make music videos for them.

I suppose I appreciate the sentiment:  using the actor's star power to attract people to hear new music.  But there are a few problems.  First of all, the "stars" that they used for the video to Cult's fantastically dreamy-but-playful "Go Outside" are Emma Roberts (Julia Robert's neice of Disney channel "fame") and Dave Franco (James Franco's brother of Greek "fame" [seriously, no one watches that show] and also one of the new cast members who ruined "Scrubs").  The other problem is that the video kinda sucks.  Hard.  Watch below.

Favorite part: when they run because they see a Mexican.  Yea, that's what I do too.

Apparently the band agrees with me, because not only did they not promote the SV at all, but they went as far as to tweet that the real video is coming soon and that this is "just an MTV show", completely writing it off.  Burn.

**BONUS** - Also worth checking out, but this time because not only is the song dope but the SV features cutie Anna Kern: LCD Soundsystem's "Pow Pow".

Suede Raw Edge Biker Jacket by Alexander McQueen

Interesting.  Very interesting.

Look at that plaid detailing at the shoulder seams.

I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this just yet, but I'm leaning towards absolutely loving it.

via Mr. Porter


I don't think I've ever seen a woman pull of a tux better than Kate Lanphear.  The secret?  Androgyny (which almost feels too obvious).  You go bitch.

via Stockholm Streetstyle